Dear Parents, Students, and Staff of NYA,
It is April 8, 2020. What a difference just one month makes! Just over a month ago, we celebrated Purim together with a fun Purim carnival. Now, we are all social distancing and we haven’t seen each other in weeks. We have all had to adapt to these strange and scary circumstances.
As the Board of NYA, we are parents of NYA students and volunteers dedicated to making sure our children are receiving an excellent Jewish education. We are well aware of just how difficult this transition has been on our parent body and our students and we want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we all navigate these uncharted waters together. We could not do this without your unwavering support. Thank you!
With all that has changed, what hasn’t changed is what our children will be bringing to the Pesach Seder this year. Our teachers have worked harder than ever adjusting to a completely new way of learning and a completely new way of teaching. If we didn’t know before, we now know for certain that each of our children has a different way of learning. We have seen that first hand as we have all struggled through this transition to distance learning.
We would like to take this opportunity to show Hakarat Hatov - gratitude - to the teachers and administration of NYA. The definition of Hakarat Hatov is recognizing the good. We would like to recognize the GREAT that is the staff of NYA. The team pulled together and worked hard to learn how to manage the technology and turn their amazing classroom education into a 30-40 minute “live” Zoom class without missing a beat. They have gone above and beyond to ensure our children are getting the best education they can provide.
Pesach is that holiday where we all hope and pray that our children will have something to contribute to the seder. Perhaps this year our children won’t have the opportunity to show off their newfound knowledge with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings and other relatives. However, each one of our children has been taught and prepared to share their knowledge at a, perhaps, more intimate, family seder. Our teachers have turned their curriculum into something that can be taught over Zoom. They have had to improvise and innovate and adapt to these crazy times and our children are just as prepared as ever.
This Pesach, when your child shares some nugget of wisdom or stands on their chair to sing Ma Nishtana in a loud and clear voice or asks a question that makes you stop and think, take that moment and say a quiet thank you. Think about those amazing teachers and what an amazing job they are doing! As the Board of NYA, we would like to say a loud and clear THANK YOU to each and every one of our fabulous teachers!
Wishing you all a Chag Kasher V’Sameach!
With best wishes,
The NYA Board
It is April 8, 2020. What a difference just one month makes! Just over a month ago, we celebrated Purim together with a fun Purim carnival. Now, we are all social distancing and we haven’t seen each other in weeks. We have all had to adapt to these strange and scary circumstances.
As the Board of NYA, we are parents of NYA students and volunteers dedicated to making sure our children are receiving an excellent Jewish education. We are well aware of just how difficult this transition has been on our parent body and our students and we want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we all navigate these uncharted waters together. We could not do this without your unwavering support. Thank you!
With all that has changed, what hasn’t changed is what our children will be bringing to the Pesach Seder this year. Our teachers have worked harder than ever adjusting to a completely new way of learning and a completely new way of teaching. If we didn’t know before, we now know for certain that each of our children has a different way of learning. We have seen that first hand as we have all struggled through this transition to distance learning.
We would like to take this opportunity to show Hakarat Hatov - gratitude - to the teachers and administration of NYA. The definition of Hakarat Hatov is recognizing the good. We would like to recognize the GREAT that is the staff of NYA. The team pulled together and worked hard to learn how to manage the technology and turn their amazing classroom education into a 30-40 minute “live” Zoom class without missing a beat. They have gone above and beyond to ensure our children are getting the best education they can provide.
Pesach is that holiday where we all hope and pray that our children will have something to contribute to the seder. Perhaps this year our children won’t have the opportunity to show off their newfound knowledge with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings and other relatives. However, each one of our children has been taught and prepared to share their knowledge at a, perhaps, more intimate, family seder. Our teachers have turned their curriculum into something that can be taught over Zoom. They have had to improvise and innovate and adapt to these crazy times and our children are just as prepared as ever.
This Pesach, when your child shares some nugget of wisdom or stands on their chair to sing Ma Nishtana in a loud and clear voice or asks a question that makes you stop and think, take that moment and say a quiet thank you. Think about those amazing teachers and what an amazing job they are doing! As the Board of NYA, we would like to say a loud and clear THANK YOU to each and every one of our fabulous teachers!
Wishing you all a Chag Kasher V’Sameach!
With best wishes,
The NYA Board